Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hills, Head Wind, Shin Splints

Another Sunday, another 5k race!  Again, since I have an injury, I took it easy, or as easy as one can with hills, head winds, and some SERIOUS shin splints (in one leg). 
I did well for the first two miles.  My first mile was the fastest, possibly due to going downhill.  Mile two a little slower but not too shabby.  Mile three.......oh mile three.  First it was all UP hill.  Then there was a good head wind to contend with.  And third, shin splints, in my right shin.  Now I love shin splints, I really do.  But during a race, not so much.
I also made sure to wear a yellow ribbon to show some Boston love and support. 
There was also some pretty good swag after the race.  Along with all that stuff I had a blueberry bagel from Panera.  And not a quarter of a half of a blueberry bagel but a whole bagel.  It was delicious!
Now to relax for the rest of the evening.  Maybe celebrate with a little wine ;)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Been A While....

Wow!!  It's been a WHILE since I wrote on here.  Don't worry, haven't missed much....well okay, maybe.  First things first, I completed race 2 of 2 for the Scioto Miles.
First race, which I had to drop down to the 5k, was in March.  I ran the race in 41:53.  For me, that's sad.  However, I'm dealing with torn tendons in my ankle so I'm cutting myself some slack.  My times/mileage broke down like this:
Lap 1: 12:54
Lap 2: 13:56
Lap 3: 13:28
Lap 4: 1:35
Could I have done better?  Maybe.  Was I going to push it too much to possibly rupture my tendon? Nope!
Today was the second race in the series.  I followed the same method as the last race.  I wasn't about to push it or go crazy. 
The breakdown:
Lap 1: 12:24
Lap 2: 13:22
Lap 3: 13:24
My final time was 42 minutes.  I forgot my Garmin and had to use my iPhone to record my run.  Always remember the Garmin!
Fun medals (and the only reason I run) and my second blue t-shirt.  I don't usually go for early packet pickup.  Who knew they would switch t-shirt colors for the race?  Now I have two blue tech shirts.  No problem for me, I will still wear them!

And for good measure, Bella, wearing my first race medal.  She loves to show off medals, without putting in the work.

My goal for April is to run as much as possible.  And run the 5k that the Ortho Institute I'm seen at, puts on.  Nothing like saying "You have to fix my ankle, so I think I should run your race."  I know, I make the best decisions.