Thursday, December 13, 2012


I decided to test out my ankle this morning with an easy one mile run.  And the results: a 16:44 mile.  Two things though about the treadmill and I:
1.  I HATE treadmill running.
2.  It's too easy for me to NOT run on the treadmill. 
So, with that said, I ran a slow mile.  But coming back from an ankle injury, I think it's decent.  And really that's all that matters.  And....I wasn't experiencing much ankle pain!
Hot Chocolate 5K.  Last race ran since the ankle decided to become a bum. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Boo to the Ankle

Today started out bright and early and the Ortho Surgeon office.  After dealing with an injured left ankle for two months, it was finally time to have it checked out. 
Check out my cute shoes I got yesterday, one CLEARANCE!! 
The dreaded bench.  I hate sitting on those at all doctors' offices.  They make me feel like a patient.  Yeah, I know, I was the patient in the office to see the doctor but I would much rather sit in the chair rather than that bench.

The overall diagnosis of my ankle: a deformity.  The doctor told me what it was called, but I already forgot.  All I heard was, "No running for at least a week."  All I could think was, "But this is great running weather and I have some BIG goals."  I was also told that my calves were too tight and I need to stretch.  I HATE stretching. 
Beautiful X-ray of my ankle.  If you look closely at the yellow arrows, you can see the deformity.  Apparently, there is a hump on my ankle bone and it's supposed to be a flat bone. 

So now it's me and biking for at least a week!  Let's hope the pain goes away, quickly, so I don't have to face any alternatives!

Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Days of Paleo

I stepped on the scale this morning and about passed out!  The number staring back at me was not a good healthy number.  I know it's "not about the numbers" but for me, if I don't know the number, I don't hold myself accountable for what I consume and my eating goes out of control. 
At that moment, was the decision I needed to return to my Paleo eating.  I tried it once before for ten weeks, and I felt GREAT following a Paleo lifestyle.  For me, the food was easy on my stomach and provided me with energy!  I never felt hungry or deprived.  But at some point, I fell off the Paleo wagon and get the idea. 
So, I decided to be pro-active!  I consulted Pinterest, of course, and found a link for all foods Paleo!  I put it on our board, mainly because it's in the kitchen and I can't miss it.   
It's colorful and makes it so easy to figure out what to and not to eat! 

My goal is to follow Paleo for ten days.  Why ten days?  Because my birthday is in ten days and I might want to splurge :)
Am I going to stop after ten days?  Nope! 
Am I going to post all my food on here?  Nope!  But don't worry, I will be honest if I cheat/mess up.  Let's hope not though! 
And I've already started out great today....scrambled eggs and a banana :)  Time to go pack my Paleo meals for work today!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Welcome to my little corner of the internet!  I'm Julie, but let's be honest, most people shorten my name and call me Juls.  One letter difference, but I'm okay with that. 
This is me, last year, at the Jingle Bell Run.  I was really starting to get back into shape, falling in love with running again, and had BIG plans to run my first half marathon.  Then winter happened.  I live in Ohio, our weather is COLD in the winter (and unpredictable). 
Fast forward some many months, about a year, and I've lost my runner.  And the goal to get in shape.  So, I'm in the process of finding my inner runner! 
 See, there was my runner me! 

I'm trying to plan as many 5Ks as I can.  Motivate myself to get out and run more.  To go the the gym, and get myself to my sister's dance studio and get my old dancer self back.  No pressure :) 

I'm mainly using this blog to document and keep track of the exercise I get in during the week.  Follow my antics as I try to get my runner self back, while working (in a psych unit), and keeping up with my husband and dog!